Tuesday, April 26, 2011

Author Crush

I will confess right up front that I'm going to gush. I can't stop reading/listening/watching Neil Gaiman's work. Right now I'm listening to Fragile Things: Short Fictions and Wonders and I'm in love. I love Neil Gaiman's voice, I love his characters, I love his creepy (but not too creepy) stories. Frankly, he could read the phone book and I'd be entranced.

This collection has short stories and poems, old and new. One of the stories he wrote as a birthday present for his daughter. Her only request was that he finish writing it before her next birthday. Another story he wrote in his twenties and no one would publish it, saying it was too odd. So he put it away in the attic, only to pull it out years later for this collection and decide it really wasn't that bad. Some stories are special requests to include in anthologies, such as his Sherlock Holmes meets H.P. Lovecraft story. And he reads everything with that lovely voice. Sigh.......

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  1. I've read just about everything that Neil Gaiman has written and Fragile Things is my favorite.

  2. I can't believe it's taken me so long to discover him. I'm making up for lost time and devouring everything now!

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